It’s January 19 – or, as some people call it, Quitter’s Day. That’s right: Today is the day that Americans are most likely to give up on their New Year’s resolutions.

The motivation of January 1 may feel very far away right now, and we know that there’s a lot of wellness advice out there to keep straight. Here at That’s it., we like to keep it simple. So here’s a list of our favorite undisputed health and wellness tips. Adopt just a few of them, and you’ll be back on track to making this your healthiest year ever.
Make sure that you’re clocking 7 - 8 hours of sleep a night
- Sleep can be as important to your health as diet and exercise. Those who do not get enough sleep are more likely to gain weight, have impaired brain function, and a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, and depression. Getting enough sleep, on the other hand, will increase your immunity, decrease inflammation in your body, and maximize athletic performance.
Tip: Stick to a routine that has you waking up and going to sleep at the same time each day
Drink about eight cups of water each day
- Your body is about 60% water – so it’s no surprise that it needs constant hydration to maintain all its bodily functions. While the exact amount of water that you need changes based on a variety of elements (such as your body weight, level of activity, and the temperature), experts tend to recommend around eight 8-ounce glasses (or almost two-liters) of water a day.
Tip: Don’t be intimidated by that number – it’s not just water that contributes to your daily goal. Water from all sources – including coffee, tea, and the water content found in your foods –contribute to that end goal amount.
Adults should consume 1 ½ - 2 cups of fruit, and 2 – 3 cups of vegetables a day
- Here is one of the most undisputed facts in health and wellness: the more fruits and vegetables that you consume, the healthier that you will be. Fruits and vegetables are loaded with fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Those who consume them regularly are known to live longer and healthier lives, and have a lower risk of many diseases, including: heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
Tip 1: As soon as you stock up on veggies at the grocery store, do some meal prep! Set yourself up for success by cleaning, peeling, slicing and storing the veggies in a ready-to-be-eaten format. It’s harder to let them go to waste when they’re completely prepared.
Tip 2: Stock up on That’s it. Fruit Bars. They’re the easiest way to make sure that you’re getting your daily fruit servings, with absolutely nothing extra added.
Added sugars, saturated fats, sodium, alcoholic beverages
- New dietary guidelines from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services determine that, across the board, Americans need to lower their consumption of:
- Added sugars
- Saturated fats
- Sodium
- Alcoholic beverages
Tip: If consumed at all, men should have no more than two alcoholic beverages per day; women should have one or less.
Get your exercise in!
- Regular exercise is one of the best things that you can do for your physical and mental health. Only 150 minutes of activity a week has been linked to incredible health benefits, including: a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, and fatigue, and to supporting your heart, lungs and immune system. It also burns calories and reduces stress – a win-win!
Tip: Morning workouts have been linked to an all-day metabolic spike, which helps your body continue to burn additional calories throughout the day.