Meet the Stauffer Twins

That's it. ·

This week’s FruitFamFriday features none other than the mini-sized Instagram moguls, Mila and Emma Stauffer. Five-year-old Mila and Emma have joined the Fruit Fam to help spread the word about Snacks Without Secrets – and their mom, Katie Stauffer joins us today to discuss why she and her family are such fans of That’s it. products:


Meet the Stauffer Twins

How did you first discover That’s it.?

I saw an influencer talking about how in love with the bars she was, and that they only had a few healthy ingredients. We instantly went and bought a ton of them, and we’ve been eating them on a daily basis ever since. 

How do you balance raising five kids and managing Mila and Emma’s social media careers?

Social media is easy, because they love it so much. They’ve even started filming their own content. I never had to nag or force them to do anything. If they didn’t want to do it, we wouldn’t do it – so that part is easy. But, I’m sure that any parent would tell you: raising five kids is hard. You take it day by and try to find joy in the little moments, and make sure that you do everything you can to make sure that they’re healthy and happy. 

If you, Mila and Emma were a That’s it. snack, which ones would you be and why?

I would be any of the snacks, because with me, what you see is what you get. Mila and Emma would be the minis…. Of course. ☺ Because they’re so cute! 


That's it. Mini Fruit Bars 24 pack

This week, Mila and Emma help us share some exciting news about the That’s it. Mini Fruit Bars. Check out the video below to see what the big announcement is! 


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