A GMO food is one that has been changed by genetic engineering. Scientists take a gene from one variety of food and combine it with another to create a new version. The purpose is to make foods hardier and more resistant to insects. When a crop like corn is genetically modified, genetic engineers say it is healthier and grows faster.
Health issues
The health consequences of eating GMOs is not yet known because extensive studies have not been conducted on the effect of eating food treated with a GMO. Some health issues have come about since GMO foods were introduced. Soy allergies in Great Britain have increased 50 percent since GMO soy was planted. Studies done on animals have revealed liver and immune system damage, smaller brains, higher death rates and other health issues. Some of the common GMO vegetables are corn, tomatoes and soybeans.
Altering the DNA of animals
Plants are not the only things being modified. Salmon was the first genetically modified animal that is being raised for food in the US. There is some opposition to this practice because once treated, animals or fish, such as salmon, are released and breed with other unmodified salmon, causing unknown changes to the environment, to humans and other animals.
Until further studies are done, it is unknown what effect GMO food will have on humans and the environment. Consumers who would like to avoid eating GMO products find it difficult because manufacturers are not yet required to label food.
Good news
Fortunately, for fruit lovers, That’s it fruit bars are GMO-free. They are certified by the Non-GMO Project (http://www.nongmoproject.org). The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and building the non-GMO food supply, educating consumers, and providing verified non-GMO choices. They believe that everyone deserves an informed choice about whether or not to consume genetically modified organisms.